Gault House is a family of people disabled by an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol who chooses to abide by self-imposed rules which help the members of this family overcome their addiction.
We interview all applicants in order to assess whether we believe the applicant is consciously taking responsibility for their recovery and whether they are able to make a minimum 3 months commitment to our culture.

To be a good fit with our sober housing, the applicant should be actively seeking a structured, drug and alcohol free, shared living environment, where there are house rules that the client wants to follow in order to bring discipline and structure into their daily life. Client’s that are actively working a program of recovery for themselves, not for their parents or for someone else, are the clients which are the best fit for Gault House.
The culture at Gault House is that clients must be willing to make a positive contribution to Gault House that is more than simply paying client fees. Clients must actively want to contribute to a clean house and to a well-managed house. Clients must support each other and make community contributions. We encourage clients to participate in the management of Gault House by joining the management team. Gault House is a working house. We believe that paid employment provides structure, income and opportunities to build relationships with people that are not based around drug or alcohol use.
Responsible Recovery reserves the right to refuse service to any client. We care deeply about the successful recovery of all of our clients and we cannot allow an individual’s need for attention or care to be so great that it drains our resources to provide services to the majority of our other clients.
If a client uses alcohol or drugs, they will be asked to leave our sober property immediately. Other zero tolerance rules include displaying aggressive or intimidating behavior, sex acts, illegal activities, outstanding warrants, or receiving three written warnings in 30 days.
Responsible Recovery’s management team will not beg, nor mother, nor parent any client to follow our rules. If a client is not willingly following our rules with a positive attitude, they will be given a written warning. If the client receives three written warnings in 30 days, they will be asked to leave the property. Responsible Recovery’s management team wishes our clients to succeed in their recovery and written warnings are not given without good cause.
Responsible Recovery does not provide refunds to clients who use drugs or alcohol or clients who are asked to leave Gault House or clients who chose to leave Gault House for their own reasons. Clients must take the financial responsibility for their actions. Know before you apply, we do not provide any refunds.
Our sober housing is for people who are working. We require a minimum of 20 hours of work a week, or written evidence of two job applications per week. Clients who are not working at least 20 hours a week, must leave the house from 10am-2pm Monday through Friday and we expect them to use this time to find work.
Serious study may be considered “work” but we consider casual study at a community college to be “dangerous play”. Most people at community college are not in recovery. There is significant social pressure to be liked. We believe that the combination of social interactions, personal relationships and peer pressure are NOT helpful to an individual in recovery.
It is our preference that our clients pay their own monthly fees. We discourage parents or loved-ones from paying the client’s monthly fees, except in the first month or two if absolutely necessary. We believe that working provides structure and a path into your recovery lifestyle. We encourage clients to develop their own recovery plan that includes being a productive member of society.
We want our client to look forward and build a future for themselves. We want our clients to use our clean and sober housing as a tool to build that future.